Monday, January 16, 2006
Check it Out !!! Harvest Treasure Pot @ $168.00 nett
Check it Out !!! Harvest Treasure Pot @ $168.00 nett

For all filial children out there,Time to play a good part once a year! *haha* If you are interested to surprise your parents and all elders at home, this is one good delicacy that you shouldn't miss out!

Check this Harvest Treasure Pot! Out for sale at a special rate of $168.00 nett (usual at $188.00 nett) for 6-8 persons... A great gift for anyone you have in mind!

If you are too busy to prepare reunion dinner at home here is a good dinner package you should check these out!

To find out more, you can always email me at or drop a note here and I will reply to you asap!!!

Friends out there, please help me promote and ask around if anyone is interested ya! Thanks

Friday, January 13, 2006
Job Seeking Blues
Job Seeking Blues

Had been sending lots of CV since mid of December and now, I am still stuck here joblessly. Anyway, Had been to a couple of interview and waiting for a reply from a French MNC. Hopefully I will just get myself hitched for a job soon.

Ray had been supporting me all ways... YES! all ways meant everything. Felt rather bad about it. A very understand man to hold on to. He had just ended his long break from work today. I have myself to face the walls again. Crossing my toes and fingers hoping that I will just get busy with work again. Wish me luck!

Tuesday, January 10, 2006
Back from Batam!!!
Back from Batam!!!

Had a very relax and happy trip to Batam despite that it was raining almost every single day. Here go with some photos...

Took the ferry at Tanah Merah Ferry Terminal ...

Then we took a shuttle bus to the resort hotel.... Batam View Resort!!! Seafood dinner in the hotel... *Look at the piggy eater... haha*

Oh! Mr. Piggy loves parrots too...

Second day, we had the hotel to arrange a taxi to drive us around the flooded Batam town Still we managed to do some shopping and running around it was fun...

Departing from Batam... Home sweet home...

Saturday, January 07, 2006
Chalet and More!
Chalet and More!
Had a great time at the Chalet with a group of young boys!!! *haha* They are actually a group of part-time colleagues of Ray. As for me. I had a bundle of great laughters and good sleep *haha* Evidences as followed...

And... for a new year, I had a new haircut! Ray brought me to JasonSally to have my hair rebonded and cut... and the outcome is... I look like a doll *gosh* guess it has something to do with my extra fats... *hai*

And for the last extra tiny bit of fun, I am going to Batum for a short trip. In actual fact, I was deciding between KL and Batum. Will update all with more photos of myself soon. Hopefully, I will slim down by then...

Oh before I sign off, I got a great place to recommand.. GrapeVine... tell you what, it is a great place for simple dining and gathering with friends... got to give it a try. It is along Upper SErangoon road.

Sunday, January 01, 2006
First Day of 2006
First Day of 2006

My first day of 2006 was peacful and tingy of bored cos I was home the whole day -_- Moved furnitures in my room and did some minor cleaning up. So tired! *haha* guess I am having too much of princess life.

Everyone was having a great time counting down last night. But I was having my countdown at home. Don;t feel like to be in the crowd on the last day of the year.

2005 had left me sliently, hopefully 2006 will be a turn of luck for me and everyone around me. Take care all ym friends.

P/S: Friends, please tag me youir blog addy if you can't find yours on my list. I accidently overwrite it. Sorry!
