Thursday, July 27, 2006
I am Infected!
I am Infected!

My throat problem had hit me hard this time. Went to see my family doctor and guess what, I am put on more than 500mg antibiotic! Due to a swollen lump on my left side of my neck he had mentioned that up to 90% this is due to throat infection. As for the other 10% is something that he do not hope to happen is that it might be due to other organs.

Nevertheless, the pain up my throat is getting worse day by day despite I took my pills diligently. I seriously do not feel like talking too much.

Hopefully after two weeks, everything will just go away and nothing more serious will befall on me...

Thursday, July 20, 2006
That's Life
That's Life

It been so long that I really put my butt down on a chair and my heart on my soul to write a serious entry.

Yes, I am busy. Busy feeling sad cos I was not invited. And on the other side of my life feeling worry for someone is warded in hospital that I have to take two days urgent leave to sort out the routine of my life and taking care of all little shity things that I never imagine I have to handle.

That little brat is not helping by being obedient. And she is really forcing me to swear hard that I am going to hunt her even if I am to die before I am wedded. Anyway, that's kid.

But thanks to two little angels who did help by listening and making all instruction into action. Never I expect that stubborn tigery head sister to be such a great helping hand and not forgetting my FH who came fetching us up and down despite his work.

Hope things are fine now and things that is not improving is improving.

Guess all the hospital running is making me ill. Feeling the ache and tiriness or is it cos of my PMS? Whatever is the case, I hope that God will touch the sick one with his curing hands and take their pain away from them.

I am learning through the path between pain and love. I am growing with the aid of contentment...

Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Work + Stress
Work + Stress

I had a busy time at work and at the same time a piling up of to do list. Big Boss is in town and everyone is getting nervous.

Anyway, I am rather tired after a long long day at work and my stupid bf is thinking of going drinking -_-".

Dad is back to malaysia. And if you are to ask me about home, all I can say is that someone is going on an operation soon. Why do bad things have to come one after another? I think i am too numb to be bother. I dun feel hurt, sad or worry anymore...

Got to go now... May god bless you and myself... Ciao

Tuesday, July 04, 2006
Happy Me!
Happy Me!

Looking at my blog entries, all I can say is that I am getting lazier... Haha.

The fact is I am busy at work, busy for my ROM preparation and at the same time being absorbed into the Maple Story game... haha.

Dear just give me this look -> -_-" whenever I start to switch on the PC and get hooked up for hours.

Anyway, we are quite settle for the preparation and I am going to get even more busier as I am going to fix up the invitation cards soon.

Think until now, things are getting pretty smooth for me... I am so happy and blissfully in love!!!

