Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Bad Bad Week

Had a bad start of the week till now. Feeling lost physically cos for continuously 3 nights I had not been having a good sleep at night.
Yesterday was at PS with Dear for a good dinner at Ichiban. It was so crowded that I really feel that the staffs are not doing a good job in serving. What more, the cashier nearly gave me a shock of my life while paying at the counter. Cos he actually key in our order and it turn out to be S$80 for a 2 person meal! After clearing the doubts, it was he who made the grave mistake... Dratz

Headed home after all the needed shopping done.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006
The Man that I had Chose

Some thoughts was running in myself recently as some friends had been asking me why am I getting hitched so soon at this young age.

Actually in my life, whenever I am ready to get into a relationship again, there will alway be 2 men for me to choose. And this strong-headed girl will alway pick the one that she likes out of the two. Which caused her to be in deep emotional shit in the end.

So this time, she did not follow her stupid instinct, she chose the otherwise one. And this move had proven that she had finally made one right decision in her life.

I confessed this to Dar. And I told him that I had never regret my decision from day one till now. Yes, the other was much more well-to-do in career and finance wise for he had been in his sale line for quite a period. If you are to compare about looks, Dar is not on the winning end at all. But what won me over to Dar side was his character.

Dar was determined to quit his smoking for this relationship and he did it. He listened to me with his heart not with his ears. He loved me more than anyone in this world. He is a trustworthy man. And most importantly, Dar is a patience man that never complain when it comes to waiting for me in all situation. These are the things that the other can never give me.

Of course there are more sweeter things that my man had done for me. But, I am not going to sell his goodness here. Just in case he hit the ceiling again *haha*

Will you think that a man is trustworthy if he actually asks you to wait for him for a year but not wanting to explain why? So much more, these had concluded my decision is right.

It's not easy to find the right one now. So once you spot him, be truthful to him and may the relationship blossom.

Sunday, September 24, 2006
A Glance of the Rings

Finally I am putting up photos. Here is a glance of our wedding bands from Fairy Inc. My ring had 4 tiny diamonds with white and rose gold design and for my hubby is just a simple yellow and white gold design...

Dar and I were so thrilled to finally receive the rings.

Yesterday, I attended Gina and How Hann's wedding. I'm so happy for them. It's always good to see a close friend getting a blissful marriage *Cheerz*

Friday, September 22, 2006
Something Happy to Share
Look like I had been dumping all my negetive feeling here. Guess it is time to neturalize this area.

First, I was so trilled that we finally got our wedding bands done! And it is now under the safe kepping of my Future mum-in-law.

Secondly, two long time friends came knocking on my friendster door this month. One was from my Primary school and the other is a close sweetheart from my Secondary school who is currently in Canada (I guessed). Nevertheless, it is always good to find them.

Weekend had finally come and tomorrow I had to attend a friend's wedding. How Hann and Gina, wish you both blissfully marriage and may Gina have a baby soon!!! *haha*

Ciao... got to knock off.

*No woman is happier than having someone who love you that will listen to you with his heart*

Monday, September 18, 2006
Man are Slow Creature
First, it was a huge quarrel in the day.
Then a simple lunch to get by the day.
Lastly, a sincere dinner cooked by him while I was napping on the sofa.

Why do man had to make an apology process so complicated? *Hai*
Is facing their owe mistake such a differcult task?

Was going round Singapore to distribute mooncakes and at the same time breaking the news to our closer relatives that we are going to get our legal marriage this Nov. As for the traditional one will be in another 2 years time.

Mummy had recovered fast. Judging from the energy to scream at my baby sister on her schoolwork, I think she had just too much energy not knowing where to let go.

Daddy was doing all the cooking. And I cleared some chores over the weekend that activated my stupid back injury.

What a week... Nevertheless, all chores had to be cleared. And for that, I sweared that I will not get a 5 room apartment unless I'm maid equiped!

Spotted an advertisement last night... another NEW SUPERSTAR CONTEST coming up >>> *BLOGGER SUPERSTAR* What a crap!!! Guess Singapore television broadcast has no more creative juice to sqeeze... I'm so sick of seeing all the SUPERSTAR related show almost everyday!

Friday, September 15, 2006
God, please answer my prayers...
Mummy had discharged from the hospital yesterday. She is having a speedy recovery.

But, I had a very huge quarrel with him last night. Something just got into me that I was throwing things around in my room.

I know all these are just too huge a burden for someone to carry. For you had chosen, you had to carry it with me.

Bearing with so much so that I am rather tired. How I wish I could shake off all my worries and move on with a fresh skin...

God, when is my turn to be a happy person with no worries?

Monday, September 11, 2006
Bless my Mum
Mummy is going for her operation tomorrow finally. She was advised to remove her womb totally.

Applied for an urgent leave and I got a snap from my boss but in the end, I was granted the day off. Somehow, I felt the blame coming.

I'm so tired and stress that I am not having a good sleep over the whole weekend. What can I say, maybe i am just too worry for no good reason...

God bless my mum...

Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Dun ask me how am I recently, cos I felt SUPER DUPER LOUSY!!!

Stress in all corners. No space to breathe. I think sooner or later I will need a CPR!

I hate the me now... how I wish I can be a hermit crab. So that I can just walk out of my shell and find a bigger and more comfy shell to stay in.

Ok... I am talking rubbish here again... just ignore me...


Friday, September 01, 2006
A Brand New Look
A Brand New Look

A brand new makeover! I am so sick and tired of the old skin that I decide to give it a new paint over.

I felt that my flu had not totally leave me. It is still lingering within my fragile body *Drat* Guess the glass of red wine at Blue mist had temporary put my resting at ease last night. hope tonight will get better.

