Tuesday, November 28, 2006
For this instance, I really feel like puking ... No, I am not preggie... I just feel so unwell. Guess is the oily snacks that I forced down my throat during lunch while still working my ass away in front of this computer screen.Yesterday marked the day my hubby and I went to view flats. After being convinced by our friend cum property agent, we decided to hit Sengkang for some opportunities.Visited 3 units in total. Two units from Sengkang and one unit from Hougang. Nothing caught my attention. So I really hope that today we will be able to have some good results. Nevertheless, I'm praying for smooth sailing in all hopes and wishes and may god directs me the path of wisdom in life...
For this instance, I really feel like puking ... No, I am not preggie... I just feel so unwell. Guess is the oily snacks that I forced down my throat during lunch while still working my ass away in front of this computer screen.Yesterday marked the day my hubby and I went to view flats. After being convinced by our friend cum property agent, we decided to hit Sengkang for some opportunities.Visited 3 units in total. Two units from Sengkang and one unit from Hougang. Nothing caught my attention. So I really hope that today we will be able to have some good results. Nevertheless, I'm praying for smooth sailing in all hopes and wishes and may god directs me the path of wisdom in life...
Monday, November 20, 2006
Dear Friends, This following story consider all. For your girlfriend, wife, sisters, mothers, friends or yourself, do read on. I just like to add a penny of my experience.
As some of you might know that last month I had just went through an operation to remove a benign water cyst from my right ovary. It's 30cm in diameter andI'm just marking the age of 22.
After reading this story, it just occur to me, before my operation I was a sweet beancurd lover of a storenear my home. And my husband will without fail get itfor me once my crazing ask for it.
And that is also the year that this ovarian cyst was found in me.
Myth or not, I rather believe this and skip all soyarelated items. Do read on to know more about the harm... pass it on.
-----Original Message-----
From: Kit Woon Sent: Friday, September 22, 2006 10:38 AM
To: Tham; Suat Lee Tan; Chantelle LamSubject:
FW: Fw: The Danger of Soya for Ladies
A friend forwarded the following article to me. I think there is some truth to it as just recently, my doctor told methat she is keeping off tofu as soya bean has plantestrogen which can cause the growths in her uterus toincrease in size.
Anyway, please consume soya bean products inmoderation and check with your doctor regarding the info below just to besure.
THIS ARTICLE IS THRU THE KIND COURTESY OF MS SUREKHARAMCHANDANI ONE WOMAN'S STORY ON SOYA... All Males-PLEASE pass this info to all your femalefriends... It may save their lives!Something to take note of. This is my true story,nothing altered. These are facts, as they relate to my experience, my opinions based on what I have read and felt. I am relating them to warn other young health-conscious women who are unwittingly harming themselves. In 1989, I graduated from high school in Texas and couldn't wait to hit the big college city. One of the changes I wanted to make was to eat healthier. Once I moved to health-conscious Austin, Texas, I began to fortify my body with the best and healthiest foods I could find. Tofu was the main ingredient in every healthy dish andI bought soya milk almost every day and used it for everything from cereal to smoothies or just to drink for a quick snack. I bought soya muffins, miso soup with tofu, soybeans, soybean sprouts, etc. All the literature in all the health and fitness magazines said that soya protected you against everything from heart disease to breast cancer. It was the magical isoflavones, the estrogen-like hormones that all worked to help you stay young and healthy. I looked great, I was working out all the time, but my menstrual cycle was off. At 20, I started taking birth control pills to regulate my menstrual cycle.In addition to this I began to suffer from painful periods. I began to get puffy, it was as though I was losing my muscle tone. I began to suffer from depression and getting hot flushes. I mistook all this for PMS since my periods were irregular. By the time I was 25, my periods were so bad, I couldn't walk. The birth control pills never made them regular or less painful so I decided to stop taking them. I went on like this for another two years until I realized my pain wasn't normal. At 27, my gynecologist found two cysts in my uterus. Both were the size of tennis balls. I went through surgery to have them removed and thank God they were benign. The gynecologist told me to go back on birth controlpills. I didn't. In 1998, he discovered a lump in my breast. Again, I went through surgery and again it was benign. In November 2000 my glands swelled up and my gums became inflamed. Thinking I had a tooth infection I went to the dentist who told me that teeth were not the problem. After a dose of antibiotics the swelling still did not go down. At this point I could feel a tiny nodule onthe right side of my neck. I told my mother I had thyroid trouble.She thought I was being silly. No one in the family suffered from thyroid trouble. Going on a hunch I saw a specialist who diagnosed me with Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma. After a series of tests he told me it was cancer. My fiance and I sat stunned. We were not prepared and I was so scared. We scheduled surgery right away. The specialist told us that it would only be after the operation that a pathologist would be able to tell us for sure if it was cancer. They found a tumor in my right lobe composed of irregular cells and another smaller tumor growing on the left, so the entire thyroid was removed.They told me that after undergoing radioactive iodineI would be safe and assured me that I could live along life. After treatment I began to search for the cause of all these problems. I never once thought it could be all the soya I had consumed for nearly ten years. After all, soya is healthy. I came upon a web page that linked thyroid problems to soya intake and the conspiracy of soya marketed as a health food when in fact it is only a toxic by-product of the vegetable oil industry. This was insane,after all, the health and fitness magazines had said nothing about soya being harmful. I visited a herbalist who was diagnosed with thyroid cancer in 1985.She informed me that soya was the culprit. She had a hysterectomy due to cysts and other uterine problems. A few months later another acquaintance who had consumed soya came down with thyroid cancer. A girl in England I met through the Internet in athyroid cancer forum had just undergone surgery and she was only 19. What was going on???? Breast cancer is linked toestrogen. What mimics estrogen in the female body,SOYA! But I never suspected soya because until now I never once found a single article that stated soya could be dangerous. Women who took soya prior to thyroid problems will continue to take it after if they are not aware of what soya actually does,what it contains and how it reacts in the female body. I think this is the reason that women with thyroid cancer oftendevelop breast cancer later. My co-worker is big into soya and I see her losing hair and gaining weight despite a walking workout during her break and after work,and apples and oranges for lunch. She just had cysts removed from her uterus too. I warned her to stay off soya. I referred her to websites but until it is on the evening news on all four networks, women will suffer. Since the thyroidectomy, I do not touch soya, haven't for two years.Dear readers, please use my story in any way you can. There are so many young girls who are consuming soya because they think they are taking care of themselves,and women taking soya because they want to be healthy. It is so unfair that the information about the dangersof soya isn't more widely circulated. It is sad. There are many out there who feel this way and it is a terrible blow when you realize you are not as healthy as you thought and that the information that you depended on was wrong.
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
I was feeling so unwell early in the morning that I really hope to stick myself to my bed. The past two sleepless night is driving me crazy. I am not worrying about the big event on Saturaday but more on my work. I am down with working blues!!! *drat*
Luckily, Dar does not need to work today so that mean he is fetching me to work. And at the same time we are suppose to head to the ROM centre to collect the documents at 8:30am.
And you know what, there is a crowd early in the morning. *Who say Singaporeans are not getting marrying?*
I felt better only in the afternoon. Guess the hot green tea is good. The day is drawing nearer and the whole crowd in office is asking me if I am excited. And my reply is "No!". The reason, cos after all the preparation and the not expected operation, I do not know how to feel excited. Guess it might have to do with having Dar around me everyday too. Basically we are like husband and wifey now... No doubt!
But still I am glad to have him to hold my hand while walking down the red carpet... Thanks Dar...
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
I am so upset today. Not because of work blues but more on house blues.
Yesterday HDB announced the launch of new flat in Hougang, Sengkang and Puoggol. Dear and I was so excited cos finally an ideal area that we are looking forward to. Thinking that it is a walk-in selection and that the opening date to choose a flat is on the 8th Nov, Dear and I decided to take things slowly and do something about it by next Monday. But unknowingly, after I had called HDB to find out more information today, I was told that we should have take a $10 queue number and it is too late to do so now.
1000 units and over 2000 queue coupons were snatched up within a day. Who say Singaporeans are not getting married?
I am so upset and angry and disappointed at myself! Guess reading up is still a need in life...
Whatmore, yesterday we these 2 sotongs even went to our ideal area (Compassvale Bow - Coris) to have a look at the surrounding! *AHHHHH!!! the more I think the more angry I am* Think I better end this entry for now.... Soh soh Soh!!!
Saturday, November 04, 2006
Finally my medical holiday is coming to an end. I will be back at my desk on this coming Tuesday. Seriously ope that there will not be alot of ends to tie before I go on my little romantic break on Friday again *haha*Had all things prepared and lots of well wishes. but recently I kept having funny dreams. Dreams that really put me on the insercure end. Guess the butterflies are increasing in number in my tummy. Things at home are not moving to a better angle. Both parties are throwing blames on each other for not trying to improve the current situation. If you ask me, I am feeling very sick seeing such situation. Guess heading back to work is better than staying at home to face the music.Bless me with the patience and strength to grow out of this stressful situation...