Tuesday, December 26, 2006
It had been such a long time that I have throw in some little candid shots of myself... here goes
Do I look like I had lose some pound of weighs? These two photos was taken a couple of months apart. I have been trying hard to control my weight from going up... Hai...
Got to go now... Ciao...
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Yes, we had hitched a 4 room flat as our new home. Next month will be the first appointment.
So much mixed feeling in me that I find it hard to untie. I seen to be caught in a T-junction again, not knowing where to turn to.
So much in mind that I need a breathing space. I guess it might be due to work that is holding us back on communicating. I need a short trip out of this stressful country!!!
Dear God I put my hands together to pray to you, please remove all these knots of evil thoughts that is holding me back in my jorney of life. Please touch me with your healing hands to release me of all these mental pains...
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Yesterday, you would be to find me at Suntec as I was there to attend the OSEA reception organised by BHC. I got to meet all the big bosses from all over the world in O&G industry.
I was feeling so tired and suffucated after leaving the place. While walking, I spotted a small stage at the lobby level. With a small group of youngsters singing christmas choir. I stopped my footsteps and a teenage girl approached me with a small piece of paper hoping that I will help the unfortunate kids in Singapore. As with each paper crane folded the unfortunate kids will be given food supplies during Christmas.
So I took one and started doing for I felt this is nothing to me as i'm a pro at it. But who knows, the minute I start to do the first fold, I felt so alien towards it... As if I had never done it before or should I say, totally no idea how to go about it. I was startled...
In the end with a couple of hints from that teenage girl, I managed to remember the folds and finished two with great blessing in my heart.
This has brought me thinking. Have I been moving too fast in life? That I have not been taking a break to do things that I like? When was the last time that I stopped my footsteps to enjoy the sweet fragrant of garden flowers? I pondered...