Finally I got a job! Suddenly, I felt that getting the right job is just like faling in love. If you are to meet the wrong boss/company, you are sure to feel miserable for the whole time. Just the same feeling when you got yourself the wrong man as a boyfriend.
Did I get the right career path this time, is still hard to say. But seriously I hope this is it. Had a very long break since December. I'm feeling tired of staying at home facing my mum... Guess we are just two different people from two different world. I just can't communicate well with her.
Dar and I had been talking abit on our future recently. Saving for the day. My mum on the other side was injecting me with negative ideas of marriage -_-" It really put me off so much. So much in me so wanted to prove her wrong. Prove to her that my marriage is going to be blissful forever as I am not her, not like her being so hard on my dad.
All story has it's two sides. But how bad or ugly the story can be, we should always be forgiving and tide things over together. We are one family afterall. I just don't understand why she can be so pestimistic. When did time changed her to be like that?
Guess afterall money is not enough to buy the old self back...