Saturday, March 18, 2006
Daddy's Blessing
Daddy's Blessing

Daddy walked into my room today. Sat down and requested me to off the TV. First I thought not another money discission again or am I suppose to prepare myself for another big bad issue to befall again!!! *Hai*

But it was none of the above. It was about my preparation for my ROM on November. He had touched the issue that was lingering in my heart, my parent's blessing. I thought Daddy and Mummy is going t put on their guard uniforms and prepare a list of unreasonable demand items.

Daddy advised me to ROM only fter our flat is here as he felt that if I am to back out only then, it will be too late for me. Afterall, I am his daughter, he has my welfare at heart. But on the other hand, daddy assured me if getting ROM this November is what I wanted, then he will alway be there to give me his blessing. Despite what happened, now or the future, he is always my daddy and he promised to be there for me forever.

For 21 years, this is the most touching words I had actually heard from my Dad. It touched me so much that I nearly wanted to busrt in to tears and hug him tight. Daddy had also mentioned that how bad mummy's words are, she meant well. Afterall, in their eyes I am still a little girl that will never grow up. All his words are so important in my heart. It given me the strength to move on with my planning for my new life. It had also given me the long lost father love that I had not been receiving for so long. Daddy I love you too...

On the other hand, Dear and I was having some dispute reently. Last night, things ended with no conclusion as I was hit by a headache. I thought he will be happy to hear about daddy's blessing but still we hit another quarrel. Cos I asked him if we should postphone the ROM cermony till the date when we are about to get our flat and guess what, he blew his top at me. I had no choice but to held the phone up and told him we should talk when he is back from work.

Why is it so hard to live in a harmony. I thought that I had peace things off with daddy's assurance. Things are dropping on me one after another, what is going to be next? Why can't Dear spare a thought about my feeling for being caught in the center?
