Wednesday, March 29, 2006
One Knee down and I said "I Do..."
One Knee down and I said "I Do..."

Seriously down with a bad bad throat. Took half unpaid leave yesterday hoping to rest and keep my dear accompany BUT this heartless one was nagging and nagging at me. YES! I am being unrealistic but I am also sick what!

Doctor said that I got a bad throat infection. Got to watch what I eat and drink more water. Guess too mush calling to Australia is causing this to befall on me... haha.

Something to share... My Dear proposed to me! and it was Twice in a day! Haha! cos the second time was a demand from me =p Anyway, I am just oo happy to speak much on it... Just feel so bless that there is still someone there for me everyday.

To be a good wife in the future is till then we will know. But I my heart, I had already know that I had a doting husband to be (Dear, don't you dare to let me down...)
