Tuesday, April 11, 2006
Let's Talk about Sex, Baby!
Let's Talk about Sex, Baby!

Ok! If you think that I am going to start on another intoxic story about sex, think again! Cos this is a very healthy topic that I am going to talk about. Guess rated healthy to adults only. Haha.

Chance upon this story last night on the newspaper. A jobless Adam strangled Eve to death and Adam confessed to the murder by calling the police after the action.

The reason, cos Adam couldn't accept the fact that Eve is not turning back from her wrong action despite that Adam had forgave Eve. And the wrong action is, having another man in Eve's life.

And my question, is Eve really wrong for doing so? But again, I am totally against the idea that Eve broke the news of this unacceptable releationship on Adam's birthday.

As for why I felt that Eve was not totally in wrong, my penny of thought as followed...

Eve married Adam for more than 6 years. Adam is a simple man with a simple mind but Eve is someone who want more than simple. Adam is someone who can never give Eve the satisfactory in sex. Eve tried the sex communcation but still Adam was against the idea of going the way that Eve wanted.

As times went by, action on bed was slowly reduced to zero. But this doesn't mean that Eve had given up hope on pleasing herself with what she wanted. And this was also the time that Eve met a married man in her work place and it was also the time when she felt the reborn of satisfactory. This is the type of man she always wanted as her long time sex partner. Someone who is all game for all type of fun. And most importantly, this man gave her the101% on bed. And Eve got addicted to him.

Ok. Story ended here. Questions as followed...

Man likes to test drive a car before purchase. And they prefer to "test drive" their partner before that one knee down investment. But can woman "test drive" a man before accepting him?

If a woman kept chasing the hubby for sex and the hubby only complain about tired after work, and he said that he rather stick to the TV for more entertainment etc. Is she wrong to seek for another place of paradise?

No one is always right and no one is always wrong. To me, if I have to chase my man for sex, I guess one day, I will just give up and go to bed on time myself.

I don't blame Eve for jumping over the wall to seek for another man but I think that she is too much for breaking the new to Adam on his brithday and she even told her Adam the whole great sex process that she had with that married man.

Like what I had said, Adam is a simple man with a simple mind who had fall into his lowest peak in life. Eve, instead of giving him morale support, gave him more stress than any normal man can take it.

What can I say, a good marriage is more than just tender, loving, care.
