Friday, June 16, 2006
Black Suit + Roadshow = Tired Me !!!
Black Suit + Roadshow = Tired Me !!!

Roadshow had started yesterday. After my normal 8:30am to 6:00pm desk work, I had to rush down to the booth to help out till 7:30pm.

I was so drained so tired so feeling like throwing my temper at the next person closest to me. But Dear was so sweet that I couldn't bear my heart to do so.

He was home early and started to prepare his famous pepper fried prawns so that I can eat too. After he had his dinner at home, he packed my dinner and also lotus soup before heading down to the roadshow area to fetch this tired me home. I had a good dinner in the car.

We stopped by PS for awhile to buy some stuff before we head home. Bathed and dried myself up before I dropped myself on bed.

Guess half of the tireness hitted me cos my da yi ma came visiting ten minute before I started my roadshow duty *Damn*

Got to go now. Got a whole stack of database to clear before I head to roadshow after 6pm. Ciao...
