Wednesday, June 28, 2006
ROM Updates
ROM Updates

Guess work and m ROM preparation is causing me to be too busy to update my little blog corner. Anyway, Just some simple update on my ROM prepartion...

Venue had been fixed. It will be in Changi Yacht Club. A very beautiful place by the sea. And the ceremony will be held in a function with full view of the sea and the jetty... so beautiful right?

As for my bridal service, I had finally put a fullstop to the hunting and visiting. Both me and Dear are so damn tired. And this had also caused us to hit into fierce quarrel too. But still, working like mature adults, we sorted things out and made our final final decision to fall our blood earn money onto Precious Moments Bridal *haha*

Roland the boss is patience to hear us out and at the same time, Jenny who assist me in the gowns viewing was very sweet to let me try on a few gowns just because I wanna to.

As for the previous decision on doing it with WL, my FH and I decide to forfeit it as we have no trust in their service after hearing and seeing so many complains and unhappy BTB messenges...

Hope our choice is right afterall...

Oh! be prepared to receive my invitation cards!!!
