Had anyone told you how demanding Vine is? I guess you are not as sure as herself. Sudden;y guilt crawled up and hit her striaght in her heart *hai*
Had a chat with Elaine over the MSN and then I realise that I had been such a hard to please bitch... *Dear, sorry...*
If someone is to ask me if I am happy for all these preparation that is going on, I will say, hell no! Cos for no good reason I am spending so much hard cash!
Maybe it is once in a lifetime. And maybe only when you get yourself hitch with a rich someone then you will be able to have a fairytale wedding. But how many people could do so? Not much...
Therefore most importantly is the partner that is going to hold on to yourself, is he sincere toward you. Of course we can't measure the degree of sincerity with a thermometer.
Dear, in life there are time when we human make the wrong decision and had to live on with it. But, I believe there is one decision in my life that I had not made wrongly and that is to trust you with the rest of my future. I know you are the one that will shelter me with happiness.
I thanks god for bringing you to me...