Friday, February 24, 2006
AH!!! PMS!!!Yes! I got strike again with the most undesired event of the month... and it had choosen my weekend. Pineapple had created so much pain in my tummy that I am feeling so uncomfortable. Had lunch at Tur Tur with my colleagues and we met the rain. Poor us had to run across the road in the rain... had and I got drenched from head to toes -_-" What a friday...Got to go now... time to knock off.
Thursday, February 23, 2006
Bad WednesdayFirst I had a big quarrel with him... then I realise I forgot my watch... and shortly after I board the train, I found out that I had left my handphone by my bedside!!! What can be worse than that!?!YES! Like all saying nothing good will come to you if bad luck befall on you these many time! I broke my heel at office! Great a pair of heel that I hardly wore it more than a month...Wondering if I was being cursed? But I managed to reslove my heel problem by walking very slowly to the shoe maker shop to fix it and he say, it is pretty unsteady as put of the heel is chipped. God save me!!! So my very last resolve is to rush to Charles and Keith at The Arcade to grab a new pair of heels. Dear me... so poor at month end and still such thing had to fall on me. Lesson to learn, not to get cheap heels just because it is cheap...
Saturday, February 18, 2006
BluesFeeling rather blues these few days. I'm not under stress at work. Instead my work is pretty smooth with a group of friendly colleagues and a nice Boss to work with. I felt really bad after finding out facts that I never do. Had a dispute with him last night before each of us turned in with a black face. I felt really bad. And I was crying in my dream. But words are hard to be spoken. All these while we are talking happily about settling down, saving for our big day, planning etc. But on the other hand, my family problems and me being jobless for 2 months was sucking up most of him finance and he never mention about it. I felt so guilty. And my unreasonable mother was still being so hard to please in all ways. What can I do? What is the best sloution? No one is there to talk to about my problem. Things at home are seriously getting from bad to worse day after day. And the misunderstanding between my mum and me are getting bigger and bigger. Is money that important when you are poor. Doesn't family love still vlaue more than that? No words to her are pleasing other throwing her with stack and stack of dollar notes now. Her words are piercing my heart time after time. Why can't she face the mirror and see how much she had changed over these year? I am really tired of tolerating her attitude. Aches in my heart are increasing. I am so tired...What is future for me now? Who is willing to hear me out?
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
Third Day @ WorkToday is my third day at work. Things are getting on pretty well for the time being except that I dropped die on bed for the past few nights after I reach home. Guess the long break from working society is putting up on it. Other than that, it had also put up on my weight. Gosh! I am so sad now. Hopefully like what Dear say after a week or so I will be back to the normal me again... Colleagues here are pretty friendly. And my manager is a very caring lady. Hope that this place will give me the urge to stay on for long. Dear was abit displease about his work recently. And his flu had fall a strong impact on a draggy recovery for him. All I can do now is to only lend him a listening ear. Hope he will get good news soon...Got to go for lunch now... ciao.
Saturday, February 11, 2006
Back to Work!Finally I got a job! Suddenly, I felt that getting the right job is just like faling in love. If you are to meet the wrong boss/company, you are sure to feel miserable for the whole time. Just the same feeling when you got yourself the wrong man as a boyfriend.Did I get the right career path this time, is still hard to say. But seriously I hope this is it. Had a very long break since December. I'm feeling tired of staying at home facing my mum... Guess we are just two different people from two different world. I just can't communicate well with her.Dar and I had been talking abit on our future recently. Saving for the day. My mum on the other side was injecting me with negative ideas of marriage -_-" It really put me off so much. So much in me so wanted to prove her wrong. Prove to her that my marriage is going to be blissful forever as I am not her, not like her being so hard on my dad. All story has it's two sides. But how bad or ugly the story can be, we should always be forgiving and tide things over together. We are one family afterall. I just don't understand why she can be so pestimistic. When did time changed her to be like that? Guess afterall money is not enough to buy the old self back...
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
The Doggy Year!!!Doggy year is here!!! Hopefully it will be a good year for everyone. My chinese new year was quite plain as I can't do much visiting as grandpa had passed away last May. Still got some angbao still... haha.I had a very bad flu for the whole chinese new year. But lucky Dear was around me to take care of me... and now, he is down with my flu =p Poor him have to go to work today with a very bad nose...