Wednesday, June 28, 2006
ROM Updates
ROM Updates

Guess work and m ROM preparation is causing me to be too busy to update my little blog corner. Anyway, Just some simple update on my ROM prepartion...

Venue had been fixed. It will be in Changi Yacht Club. A very beautiful place by the sea. And the ceremony will be held in a function with full view of the sea and the jetty... so beautiful right?

As for my bridal service, I had finally put a fullstop to the hunting and visiting. Both me and Dear are so damn tired. And this had also caused us to hit into fierce quarrel too. But still, working like mature adults, we sorted things out and made our final final decision to fall our blood earn money onto Precious Moments Bridal *haha*

Roland the boss is patience to hear us out and at the same time, Jenny who assist me in the gowns viewing was very sweet to let me try on a few gowns just because I wanna to.

As for the previous decision on doing it with WL, my FH and I decide to forfeit it as we have no trust in their service after hearing and seeing so many complains and unhappy BTB messenges...

Hope our choice is right afterall...

Oh! be prepared to receive my invitation cards!!!

Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Try This!
Try This !

I was surfing some of my friends' blog and came across something interesting...

Funny right? I didn't know I look like them *haha* Try it out if you are interested:

Back to Normal
Back to Normal

Finally the roadshow is over. No more black suit and hot sun over my head.

Yesterday, boss bought all staffs to Long Beach Seafood at East Coast for dinner. What a good time we had there. Elaine is going back to Sydney and so is one of our Jakarta staff returning back to her main branch too.

Everything is back to normal for today and who knows, my PC broke down. Called Jamie down to fix it thinking that I couldn't be flowing till 2pm right? And guess what, he fixed it within an hour. So that means I need to get back to work now.

Sunday, Dear and I are going to hunt on bridal shops and at the same time meet JP. Waiting for my good Sunday...


Friday, June 16, 2006
Black Suit + Roadshow = Tired Me !!!
Black Suit + Roadshow = Tired Me !!!

Roadshow had started yesterday. After my normal 8:30am to 6:00pm desk work, I had to rush down to the booth to help out till 7:30pm.

I was so drained so tired so feeling like throwing my temper at the next person closest to me. But Dear was so sweet that I couldn't bear my heart to do so.

He was home early and started to prepare his famous pepper fried prawns so that I can eat too. After he had his dinner at home, he packed my dinner and also lotus soup before heading down to the roadshow area to fetch this tired me home. I had a good dinner in the car.

We stopped by PS for awhile to buy some stuff before we head home. Bathed and dried myself up before I dropped myself on bed.

Guess half of the tireness hitted me cos my da yi ma came visiting ten minute before I started my roadshow duty *Damn*

Got to go now. Got a whole stack of database to clear before I head to roadshow after 6pm. Ciao...

Saturday, June 10, 2006
Bluey Me
Bluey Me

In a few minutes time, the clock is going to strike twelve. I am here feeling blues, upset and emotional.

Maybe it is due to my PMS maybe it is due to me thinking too much or worrying too much for someone in particular. Nevertheless, I hope that what I'm worry about will never happen.

Just feel rather negetive today...

Got to go, the water had boiled and I got to wait for someone to return home before I can enter the dreamland with a peaceful mind...

Sunday, June 04, 2006
Changed of Plans
Changed of Plans

Yesterday was meant to be a sunny day BUT someone was pretty upset for he was handicapped with no four wheels -_-".

We headed to our very first stop after a good breakfast at my all-time favour MacDonald - Flamingo Bridal...

Chris, thanks for the introduction but guess my boyfriend was too 'pampered' with the pricing that Whitelink had qouted him that he was 'shocked' by what Shirley had shown us. Saw some of the work that your boss had done, what am impressive album. But to really engage him, the whole package will round up to $5k... Dratz.

And due to the 'budget' thingy, we had an arguement. Nevertheless, we still made our way to Changi SAF Yacht Club to meet Jamie. What a friendly and nice lady. She had shown us around the place and even displayed a whole screen of past wedding events she had handled. And I saw some familiar faces.

Anyway, for one thing good, Dear liked the place too. Spoke to her and Jamie was being helpful to tailor a package to meet our needs *thanks* And she had included a 2 day one night stand at their honeymoon suite! Tell you wahat, you really have to check this out!

Guess in the end I still have to head back to Whitelink for my bridal services. And will settle the venue soon *wink*

Ok! I got to go for now... Waiting for Dear to come home to accompany me for dinner... Ciao!

Friday, June 02, 2006
One Unreasonable Night
One Unreasonable Night

Nothing remained the same anymore, the closness, the conversation, the eye contacts and the used to be happy and topic after topic conversations. I felt hurt from within. I just feel like walking out and leave the situation but I can't.

Unwillingly, I carried the emotion home. I threw a temper that I am not sure why. I behaved like a child that needs great attention and love. I felt that I was drained totally. I was selfishly unreasonable the whole night.

But he gave me what I asked for even through he is not sure what is wrong with me. He took the extra pain to be nicer and to be nagged and scolded at by me.

Thanks Dear, thanks for spoiling me with a honey waffle late last night. Thanks for putting all words into action to clean up the plates and cups in the room. Thanks for bearing with me and hugging me to sleep. Thanks for not asking what is bothering me... No one understand me more than you...
